By January 11, 2015 ,

Today I took the plunge. Quite literally. 

I've always believed, but my faith wasn't always strong. The last four years have been a period of growth and change, of learning and questioning. I've been blessed with a group of amazing brothers and sisters who have supported my walk every step of the way. More importantly, I have learned to lean on His strength and to follow His plan for me with the goal of bringing Him glory. 

To be honest, getting baptized is something that I've felt called to do since I was young. Dealing with years of shy-ness and stage fright prevented me from standing on stage to share my testimony. I remember clapping for others as they got baptized, wishing I had the courage to take the plunge. Today I finally decided that it was no longer something I could ignore, and somehow He gave me the courage to declare my dedication to Him as my Lord and Savior. Praise the Lord. 

For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; 
His faithfulness continues through all generations.

 Psalm 100:5


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4 Lovely Replies

  1. I JUST READ THIS. I'm so glad you took this step of faith and got baptized, eeeee!!! I hope you keep doing what challenges you in order to be obedient to God, and may God be glorified in each courageous step you take! Yaaaaay! <3

    1. Your comment literally made my day <3! Thanks girl, for being there when I was first trying to figure everything out. I remember taking that walk with you down to the pier beginning of second year and the conversation we had that night. Since then, watching you grow into a passionate woman of God has been so encouraging in my own walk of faith. :) Super happy I get to cal you my sister!
